Saturday, May 18, 2013


above: the entrance...

above & below...a famous concert arena of sorts...historic theatre of Ephesus 

This is the most magnificent structure in Ephesus ancient city. The Great Theatre is located on the slope of Panayir Hill, opposite the Harbor Street, and easily seen when entering from the south entrance to Ephesus. It was first constructed in the Hellenistic Period, in the third century BC during the reign of Lysimachos, but then during the Roman Period, it was enlarged and formed its current style that is seen today.It is the largest in Anatolia and has the capacity of 25,000 seats..."

THIS IS WHERE they say Paul encountered an angry mob: "...The Big Riot Against Paul at the Theatre of Ephesus:

"At that particular time there arose no little disturbance concerning The Way. 24 For a certain man named De·me´tri·us, a silversmith, by making silver shrines of Ar´te·mis furnished the craftsmen no little gain; 25 and he gathered them and those who worked at such things and said: “Men, YOU well know that from this business we have our prosperity. 26 Also, YOU behold and hear how not only in Eph´e·sus but in nearly all the [district of] Asia this Paul has persuaded a considerable crowd and turned them to another opinion, saying that the ones that are made by hands are not gods. 27 Moreover, the danger exists not only that this occupation of ours will come into disrepute but also that the temple of the great goddess Ar´te·mis will be esteemed as nothing and even her magnificence which the whole [district of] Asia and the inhabited earth worships is about to be brought down to nothing.” 28 Hearing this and becoming full of anger, the men began crying out, saying: “Great is Ar´te·mis of the E·phe´sians!” 9 So the city be...29 So the city became filled with confusion, and with one accord they rushed into the theatre, taking forcibly along with them Ga´ius and Ar·is·tar´chus, Mac·e·do´ni·ans, traveling companions of Paul. 30 For his part, Paul was willing to go inside to the people, but the disciples would not permit him. 31 Even some of the commissioners of festivals and games, who were friendly to him, sent to him and began pleading for him not to risk himself in the theatre."(Acts 19:23-41 from the New Translation of the Holy Scriptures)

above: represents the The City of Gaziantep
  (also see
...they used photography to replicate both the exterior and interior of many famous locations..including the pictures & artwork on the walls...almost like they brought the museum(s)  to us all the way from Turkey

....region of Van* ..also famous for their cats that have mismatched of the famous cats** was on display...but didn't want to open its eyes for very long..

*"Van (Armenian: Վան), is a city in eastern Turkey's Van Province, and is located on the eastern shore of Lake Van. It is the cultural center of the area's Kurdish majority.[3] The city's population is mostly Kurdish. In 2010 the official population figure for Van was 367,419,[4] but many estimates put it much higher with a 1996 estimate stating 500,000[5] and former Mayor Burhan Yengun is quoted as saying it may be as high as 600,000.[6] The Van Central district stretches over 2,289 square kilometres (884 square miles)[7]..",_Turkey

"The Van Cat is a breed of cat native to this town and named after it. The Van Cat is noted for its white fur, and having differently colored eyes.[33]..." (wiki)